jueves, 26 de julio de 2012

Endangered animals in Mexico

Mexico is recognized as one of the richest countries in biodiversity.
Unfortunately, many of these animals and plants that for centuries have lived with us are now in serious danger of extinction. Humans do not realize yet to learn to deal with the ecological environment is fundamental to the preservation of animal and plant species anywhere in the world. The reduction or destruction of natural habitat in Mexico is the main factor that is threatening more than 2500 species, of which 41 are already extinct. This is because once you destroy the habitat in which they live, the species no longer has the environment where it can meet all your basic needs, allowing you to successfully reproduce and thus perpetuate.

In Mexico the hunt and the alteration of the environment have many species to the verge of disappearance.
The components of the biosphere, are divided into inorganic, such as light, soil, water, and organic, which in turn are divided into flora and fauna.
In any ecosystem the animals both vertebrates and invertebrates are an important factor. His relations with the other members of the ecosystem, helping to maintain a relative balance, whose stability made possible by complicated feedback mechanisms chain, easily agitated when it affects any of its links, however insignificant they may seem.
Since its inception, the animals were in competition to survive. In addition, constant changes in the environment have resulted in the disappearance of some species and the flourishing of others. These evolutionary processes occur slowly over millions of years, however, when the man arrived on the scene, relatively recently, the delicate faunal links had long standing in nature, began to break and be altered.

The extinction of wildlife has serious impacts on ecosystems, especially regarding food chains and food.
Another cause of extinction is the disappearance or disturbance of habitats characteristic of the species due to deforestation, establishment of agricultural crops, human settlements, etc., with the consequent disruption of ecological balance. Such is the case of the peacock (Horned Guan) in Chiapas, whose habitat, the cloud forest, is already very low. This has caused their populations decline at an alarming rate because they are not adapted to disturbed areas.
In Mexico there is no sufficient number of specialists in different disciplines, ecological, and, secondly, they are often carried out investigations following foreign models and not according to our needs. It is urgent then the training of professionals aware of their social as scientific.
But the fight to save wildlife can not be limited to biologists. Requires the participation of governments and people in general, creating a sense of responsibility to future generations. Some of the endangered species in Mexico are listed in the following list:
• Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana)
• Tapir (Tapirus bairdii)
• Manatee (Trichechus manatus)
• Grey Bear (Ursus horribilis)
• Flamingo (Phenicopterus ruber)
• Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)
• Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja)
• Bolson tortoise (Gopherus flavomarginatus)
• Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)
What human activities are leading to the extinction of animals in Mexico?
There are several factors that we can attribute this sixth extinction, but many experts agree that the main ones are:
The growth of human population overflowed, the disparity with which natural resources are used, as well as lifestyle and excessive consumption are severely affecting species and their habitats.
Overexploitation of resources
To over-exploit natural resources are fragmented, degraded and lost habitats and therefore species that reside in them. The endemic species are the first to disappear.
Destruction of habitat
The dismantling of habitats to create agricultural areas is one of the practices that affect the species, because they lose their source of food, shelter and home. Those most affected are the endemic species.
The toxic effects of some pollutants in the air throw accumulate and affect the individual, community and even ecosystem, altering not only the physical but also the genetic information of populations. The effects of pollution also damages the atmosphere is overloaded because of particulate pollutants.
Black bear
The black bear was an important piece of hunting in Mexico so their populations were reduced, forcing is considered as endangered species, so hunting was prohibited.
The Black Bears, unlike other species of bears are able to live close to humans, but one of the important causes of decreases in their populations is habitat loss.

I think if we want to achieve something great and really help the animals, we need to start changing habits in us, in our homes and our community. Litter is a big problem that also affects endangered animals.
The clock is ticking and we must act now if we want to prevent the extinction of thousands of species. Knowing what is happening and who are being affected is one of the first steps to act in an informed fashion. Currently there are several governmental organizations (SEMARNAT, CONABIO, etc..) And non-governmental organizations (NGOs: Pronatura, Program for the Conservation of Bats Mexican Naturalia, etc..) That for several years working successfully for the benefit of biodiversity rescuing the extinction of some species and their habitats. But there is much to do and they need the support of all of us to do, so using the new generations and their families can all contribute, first know what these organizations do and supporting one or more of the conservation projects been developed.
It is important to remember that every daily action can also help lessen the damage, so you save energy, water and other natural resources is of paramount importance and we can all do at school and our homes.

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